Wednesday, September 14, 2011


How long has it been since I've updated one of many blogs I tried to start? Well, I think I deleted most, if not all, of them. So why start "i am roboticaldad" you ask? Well, considering all that's been going on and things I plan to do, mostly everything points back to my family life where my kids consider me a robot. Not a robot that is predictable and doing stuff the same way everytime, but a dancing robot with a robotical movements, one that will make one say, "Wow, that's pretty cool!" Still don't get it? I'm a product of West Coast pre-Hip Hop culture call Funk Style where the primary underground dances were locking and popping, and popping is the one with robotic and mannequin-like movements along with flow like water waves. Get it? Got it? Good! So, I hope you enjoy stuff I will write about.

i am roboticaldad!

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